Looking for Coupons, discounts or offers?
Greenee is the shopping companion that helps you save money by giving you access to coupons, discounts and offers from your favorite stores.
Everything you need
Don't worry about looking for sales circulars or subscribing to every newsletter you come across. Join us and discover everything you need in one place.
Paper coupons, do we actually need to waste paper? Just install our app and all the coupons you seek will be in your pocket.
Black Friday, are a few days enough? Just open our app, the discounts you need are one click away all year round.
Free shipping, do we ever get tired of it? With our app, free shipping is just one of the many types of offers available to you.
Everywhere you shop
It makes no sense having to install an app for each store just to see their discounts, we want you to have a single app where you can catch them all.
Local businesses
Local businesses are the bread and butter of our shopping, wouldn't you like to save money on those daily purchases? With our app, you can even save money on breakfast.
Shopping centres
You look around and see dozens of stores, but how do you know which ones have the best deals for the product you want? Worry no more, we're here to help you with that.
Online stores
How many times did you pause your online checkout just to look for coupons that didn't even work? That's over, ask us instead and find out the answer in seconds.
Simple but powerful
No ads and no unnecessary features, just the things you need to find the discounts you seek as quickly and easily as possible.
Use your phone's location or simply enter an address to find the stores and discounts closest to you. Yes, it's that easy and no, your data is not for sale.
Follow your favorite businesses, view all their coupons and get notified whenever a new offer is available. No, we won't annoy you with a bunch of notifications.
Use and abuse our advanced search to find exactly what you're looking for in a matter of seconds. Yes, you can search in your native language, we'll translate everything for you.
Join us on this adventure
Our goal is to empower you to save money on every purchase you make, regardless of what you buy or where you buy it, and to achieve this we need your help.
Suggest a business
If you have a business or store in mind that you'd like to see available in our app, just let us know and we'll do our best to partner with them.
Become an ambassador
We want you to be part of the Greenee family as liaison between us and the businesses in your neighbourhood. In addition to helping your community, you also receive a commission. Do you want to know more?